Self-adhesive urinary
It is limpid and that provides the ability to monitor skin condition. At the top there is a thickening that gives a stronger connection to the urine. It is installed in a similar way to the previous urinary, with a plastic ring applicator. During the application there is no direct contact with the skin of the penis. The optimal wearing time of Conveen urinary is 24 h. Convein urinals are part of a system for the collection and elimination of urine that includes different types of bags (urine bags of 1.5 L and contour and safety bags of various sizes) and therefore are applied together. The application is easy for the patient with the usual procedure.
Featured products
Take a look at some of the featured products from the wide assortment of products we have on offer.

Ultra lightweight rigid frame wheelchair in titanium.

Lightweight, not bulky, easy to apply and release in complete autonomy

Multifunctional 3-wheel wheelchair suitable for the seaside, made of materials which can withstand the salty seawater and air. It is easy to assemble and disassemble.

Triciclo COPILOT 3
It's the original combination of a tricycle with tricycles.